【同义词辨析】 2018-04-16 虚弱weak-disable(2小组一起记)

(1) 虚弱
: applies to deficiency or inferiority of strength or power of any sort: a ~ government likely to topple soon.

feeble: suggests extreme weakness inviting pity or disdain: a ~ attempt to resist the enemy attack.

frail: implies delicacy and slightness of constitution or structure and liability to failure or destruction: a once robust man now ~ with disease.

fragile: suggests frailty, inability to resist rough use, and liability to destruction: a ~ beauty that the camera can't convey.

infirm: suggests instability, unsoundness and insecurity due to loss of strength from old age, crippling disease or temperamental vacillation: an ~ old woman confined to her home.

decrepit: implies being worn-out or broken down from long use or old age: the ~ butler had been with the family for years.

weak虚弱: 任何缺少力量,feeble: 极度虚弱,让人可怜鄙视,frail脆弱: 质地单薄容易毁坏,fragile: 脆弱不耐用易毁坏,infirm: 由于年老疾病性格摇摆不稳定不健康不安全,decrepit: 长期使用年老,导致磨损崩塌

记忆方法: 1) 首字母WFFFID,排列成DIFF(不同) FW(服务),需要不同的服务<==虚弱的人

          2) 虚弱的意思是无法承受紧张压力行动mean not strong enough to endure strain, pressure or strenuous effort.     (strenuous 1、奋力 2、费力)

(2) 弱化
weaken: may imply the loss of physical strength, health, soundness, or stability or of quality, intensity or effective power: a disease that ~ the body's defenses against infection.

enfeeble: implies an obvious and pitiable weakening to the point of helplessness: so ~d by arthritis that he requires constant care.

debilitate: suggests a less marked or more temporary impairment of strength or vitality: the operation has a temporary ~ing effect.

undermine: suggests a weakening by something working surreptitiously or insidiously, and implies a caving in or breaking down: a poor diet ~s your health.   (surreptitious鬼鬼祟祟,悄悄,常违反法律习俗,如he made a surreptitious entrance to the club他鬼鬼祟祟的进了俱乐部) (insidious: 潜藏但有害an insidious enemy阴险敌人)

sap: is close to undermine but adds a suggestion of draining of strength: drugs had ~ped his ability to think.

cripple: implies the causing of a serious loss of functioning power through damaging or removing an essential part or element: inflation had ~d the economy.

disable: suggests a usually sudden crippling or enfeebling of strength or competence: the ~d soldiers received an immediate discharge.

weaken: 丧失人体力量健康稳定属性强度效力,enfeeble: 虚弱到可怜无助的地步,debilitate: 暂时相对的弱化,undermine: 偷偷的或阴险的削弱,暗示塌陷(cave in)倒塌(break down),sap: 同undermine,但暗示耗尽力气,cripple: 损坏基础部分,导致功能丧失,disable: 通常表示突然严重的损坏

记忆方法: 1)首字母WEDUSCD更改排序Wo USED DianChi: 我用过的电池<==电流弱化

          2)弱化的意思是使丧失力量能量活力mean to lose strength, energy, or vigor.